We are always on the hunt for rare DJ mixtape collections. If you have a collection to donate, or share, please let us know! We have the following guidelines for tape submissions. Please follow these guidelines to save time for both of us.
We prefer to digitize tapes that have been taken care of. Home use of tapes that were played on a properly maintained tape deck yield the best transfers for us.
We have had collections come our way that have really been abused. Tapes that have been played hundreds of times on a cheap car tape deck, are usually filled with tons of dropouts, and are unsuitable for a clean digital transfer. Also, tapes that were not properly stored (in their tape cases) tend to have a lot of dropouts. We can't fix those in the remastering process.
The purpose of SFDPS is to preserve the legacies of DJs, and nightclub history. Our fans want to know who the mixes are by, and where they were recorded. We've had submissions of tapes with no labels on them. While the mixes may be cool, they won't get much attention from our fans once we post them. Please only submit tapes that are properly labeled with the DJ's name, club or party that it was recorded from, and the date recorded if possible.
We've had box loads of tapes dropped off to us that are filled with pre-recorded recording artist tapes. We are not interested in those. We are only looking for mixtapes that were recorded live by the DJs, or were mass produced by the DJs, and sold/passed around in the underground scene. MIXTAPES ONLY, please!
TAPES FROM THE 70's-80's-90's ONLY
Currently, we are only accepting mixtapes from the 70's-90's. Our fans are currently only into the old school DJ mixes. Mixes from the 2000's haven't aged enough yet.
We prefer to work from the original mixtapes, instead of copies of copies. Each time a mixtape is copied down a generation, you add tape hiss, upon tape hiss. Each generation down adds an additional layer of tape hiss that is hard to remove, and degrades the fidelity of the recording. We have saved some tapes that are 4 or 5 generations down, but we tend to reserve that for rare one of a kind recordings. If certain mixtapes are easily accessible and were mass produced, we prefer to work from a clean copy.